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The Edu-BioMed team is glad to announce that a Citizens Science App to improve and implement the knowledge about the Biosphere Reserves has been released by the project.
The American University of Beirut, partner of the project, has developed a Citizens Science App in which citizens, academics, and Biosphere Reserve managing bodies collectively gather data from, and about, various territories.
The tool was designed, in line with the Edu-BioMed project’s aim to put Universities and Biosphere Reserves closer together. And this aim is more achievable also putting closer citizens, researchers and Biosphere Reserves.
Signing up in the App, will allow you to visit the Biospheres Reserves around you and see how you can make a change.
Biosphere Reserve managers can contact us to add their biosphere reserve, and can then add projects related to their reserve.
Researchers can add research projects and activities within a selected biosphere reserve.
Citizens can participate in research projects to assist researchers in collecting / analyzing data.
The App is in English and French.
You can find a brief manual here in English and here in French for more details about the App and how to use it.
By mobile you can download the App at this link or scanning the QR code here below:

Click here to discover all the aspects of the Research Database developed by the project.